Con Report Kumoricon 2013

The Con:  Kumoricon

The Place: Vancouver, W#A Hilton and Rad Lion

The Dates:  31 Aug – 2 Sep 2013

Kumoricon is the Portland / Vancouver WA premiere Anime convention ; this is my sixth year in attendance.  All three of my giant plushies were my companions 

Saturday:  Got down to the convention site early for the panelist meeting. I pretty much stuck to fan met and greet panes including the random panel of doom, which I was not all impressed even though   it was fun.  I had confused it with the often renamed panel which was not present this year.  I also attended the Kumoricon, Face Book forum meet up Panel before having a seat for the AMV contest and most of the show.  I went out to Joes Crab Shack  for dinner then did lounged around and spends some time in the video room before calling it a day.

Sunday:  Because of a schedule misunderstand, Programming had put my Otaku over 25 panel at 12:00pm only 30 minutes after church. I just got in right on time. We had a good show about 54 attendees.  Later I tried to attend the Manga Hell panel; I was turned was because the volunteer said the room was to capacity. Never mind there were still four rows of chars empty. Latter  I attended a panel in the same room without any problems.

I soon had to get my stuff together and set up for my second panel. I did the world of Sanrio and Hello Kitty. I had 54 in attendance; which was a very good number, knowing I was running against the popular Masquerade and Cosplay contest.  The attendance was 27 time better than the attendance at Furlandia. Feedback has been very positive.

I then went to Toodd Haberkorn Show and Tell panel. I wanted to get a picture of him with my giant Hello Kitty but it was no go.  I spent the rest of the day picture taking, dinner, video room and art jam until it was time for Guy’s overnight AMV showing.  I called a day at 2:00 am.

Monday:  Not much to do in the way of panels. I did both the anime debate and Once Upon an Anime panel and just hung around.  I attended the closing ceremony and rant and rave before doing my last space walkthrough and calling it a convention

The Good: it was good to be back, but noting stood out.


The Bad: skimpy on   industry, anime, manga and what to watch panels.  Most were games and meet up.  What anime / manga panels of interest were available happed on Sunday morning.

The Ugly:  The brats who thrown water on the cosplayes on Monday; they may or were not part of Oxfest group.

In spite of the hiccup I still had a great time 

Click on Picture for larger  version

All Pic are cover by a Creative Commons 3.0 License

2 thoughts on “Con Report Kumoricon 2013

  1. AvatarHeide

    Great pictures! Did you, perchance, get any others? I am trying to find pictures of my daughters. Lots were taken, but not many (other than what I posted) have found their way to the ethereal web. The weekend was a blur, so I might miss a few characters, but they included: a Minecraft creeper, Alphonse Elric, Edward Elric, General Armstrong, Maka Albarn, Jack Frost, Izumi Curtis and a few creations that I’m sure my girls just made up. Thank you, Heide


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